Sales Contact

The 2016 Corporation has been created to manage the sales and promotion of the 2016/ project. Traditionally, different trading companies work directly with potteries in Arita, each independently investing in creating market opportunities for the porcelain products being made. However, the unusually collaborative and extensive nature of the 2016/ project has inspired a different way of working.


The new 2016 Corporation is an alliance between specialist companies who will sell and promote the 2016/ products internationally. It aims to revive, market, and maintain the innovation of Arita’s porcelain industry. Additionally, 2016 Corporation is available to assist external brands in producing porcelain and has already had success in bringing important design brands to Arita.


2016 Corporation, Takuya Shinohara
Aritayaki-Oroshidanchi, Akasaka,
Arita-cho, Nishimatsuura-gun
844-0024 Japan
tel: 81.955.42.2016