Live stream of the summer residency final presentation
2023 August 23
Join us for the Final Presentation live streaming of the CRA summer residency this coming Thursday!
Dutch designer Simone Post has spent an intense 3 months in Arita. Her designs have followed on from themes she explored in her work for Hermes Ginza and provide a sweet touch to any table setting.
Her hands-on approach started with extrusion and braiding followed by hand-made moulds and into the digital realm with CNC-milling of 3D digital drawings. She especially worked a lot with local mould master Yamatatsu and her partner kiln Kinemon.
Her uplifting designs spark some sweet relief from everyday worries or global issues. Curious to see some of the first prototypes?
Dutch artist Dirk van Lieshout took a famous performative work of Bas Jan Ader as a starting point for his Arita project injecting references to the Japanese tea ceremony and tea cultivation.
He used hand throwing, pinching and slab building techniques to work on his porcelain works to be used in his performance, while at the same time making a movable tea house from local bamboo.
The final work can be presented as an installation, performance or audiovisual art. It refers to notions of the transience of time and enjoyment as well as questioning the human attempt to forcibly create a perfect moment that will ultimately collapse onto itself. Curious to see some the first rendition of this new work?
Join us for the final presentation this coming Thursday!
Date: 24 August (Thu)
Time: 18:00-19:00 Japan time (11:00-12:00 Central European Time)
Place: Bakery&ArtCafe Lier
Join our live stream on instagram or click the link below to the zoom meeting.